
Crossing the Dark Divide

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Archive for the ‘Projects’ Category

The series is racing towards the finale… Preview pages posted over at Dark Horse replicated below. Click for full glory. I love the tagline on the cover…

Pick it up tomorrow (4/27) at Blue Moon Comics and other fine retailers, or online at TFAW.


Dark Horse has posted three pages from Darth Vader & The Lost Command #3. Reposting below (click to enlarge). No real setup necessary, except to say that these are pulled from the middle of the issue. I was very inspired by Vader stalking Luke in the bowels of Cloud City for much of this issue — Vader in “stealth mode” is not something we get to see very often, so hopefully fans will enjoy it.

Darth Vader & The Lost Command #3 is on shelves next Wednesday (3/30)!

Several pages from the first issue of Batwoman have been released at DC’s Blog, The Source! Check out the pages below (click to enlarge).

I can’t really reveal anything about the story yet, except to say that given my preoccupation with ghost stories, urban legends, and “modern” mythologies, the character who appears in the first few panels of this issue is one I’ve been haunted by for years. It’s both terrifying and thrilling to finally see her realized (and beautifully rendered, I might add).

Darth Vader & The Lost Command #2 came out yesterday and should be available at fine comic book shops everywhere. Reviews for the first issue have been very positive, and it seems folks are enjoying a glimpse into Vader’s rather damaged psyche… It only gets more complicated for Vader as the series progresses.

Below are the first three pages of Issue #2, which have been released as a preview elsewhere. Click to enlarge.

You can grab a copy at Blue Moon Comics, or you can order it from Things from Another World.

The first issue of the five-issue Darth Vader & The Lost Command comes out tomorrow. You can find out a bit more about the series in a blog post I did for Dark Horse where I talk about my vision of Vader and address the whole issue of whether or not Vader should be able to “fail,” and in an interview over at Newsarama that gives some details on the story and what it’s been liking writing it while founding Fearless Studios. The comic should be available at Blue Moon Comics and other fine comic shops, or you can order it from Things from Another World. Hope anyone who picks up the first issue enjoys it!

For those of you interested in Batwoman news, check out Jim’s blog, where he addresses the “delay” in the release of the first issue.

Just two quick updates. Earlier this week, StarWars.Com posted a preview for Issue #1 of Darth Vader and the Lost Command, which comes out later this month. You can click on the images below to see the larger versions. Rick Leonardi is doing a fantastic job with the art.

And here’s the cover for Issue #3, which I realized I never posted…

Also this month, the writing in the The Force Unleashed 2 was nominated for a Writers Guild of America award. We won a few years ago for the first Force Unleashed, and I’m humbled to be nominated again.

The last few weeks of 2010 proved extremely busy but productive. Here’s some quick updates:

  • Darth Vader & The Lost Command: I delivered the script for Darth Vader & The Lost Command #5, the final issue in that limited series, right before Christmas. Not sure if this will be my last Vader story, but I certainly tried to treat it that way and take the character to places he hasn’t been before. A lot of the story deals with Vader being forced to confront his past and the decisions he’s made. The whole process was more than a little cathartic… The first issue hits stands on January 26th.
  • Batwoman: Jim and I finished our script for Batwoman #5, which wraps up the first arc (“Hydrology”) for the new ongoing series. We worked extremely hard to make sure that the arc packs an emotional punch and shows some growth for Kate, and to set up the next arc as well. I think I’m most excited about seeing reader reaction to the new villain and some of the scenes between Kate and Maggie Sawyer. DC posted an update on the series at the The Source, the official DC blog, which is also accompanied by art from the series (including Amy’s variant cover for Issue #1, which I’m reposting here!).
  • Fearless Studios: We’re working on several pitches for various folks, and we continue to forge ahead with our original IP development. We’ve also selected one of our original concepts to move into a prototyping phase. The concept is built around some very innovative gameplay and a setting that is a unique fusion of horror, sci-fi, and fantasy. I’m very excited about the progess we’ve made on both the game design and prototyping pipeline. We’re putting together a plan to start revealing some of the material, bit by bit, and hopefully I can share more here eventually.
  • Scrivener Beta-Testing: All my friends with Macs have been telling me about this program for a few years now, but it’s just become available — in Beta form — on PC. It’s basically a really fancy binder program, but it’s powerful and easy-to-use and generally awesome. I’ve been using it for the past few months now (and in fact, used it to write the rough drafts for Issues #4 and #5 of the Darth Vader series, and organize a novel and a screenplay I’m working on). You can find out more here.

I’m still working on various other projects, and some monster-related blog posts as well. Hope to have something up in the next week or two.

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Here is Jim’s cover for Batwoman #2, which continues the “Hydrology” storyline, our first 5-issue Arc. I’ve already seen some of the interior art, and it’s pretty incredible stuff — Jim really captures both the horror of the new villain we’re introducing, and continues to humanize Kate Kate. 


As with previous issues, Amy Reeder will be doing a variant cover.

On sale in March!

The launch event at Red Sky Comics for December 4th has been cancelled for reasons beyond our control. Apologies to anyone who was planning to attend.

Fortunately, the signing at BLUE MOON COMICS in Novato, CA is still on, as scheduled (see details below). We hope to see everyone there! Jim will have art from the Batwoman series on hand for preview, and we’ll have books to sign, including one of our earliest collaborations — a story for Hellboy: Weird Tales (but I only have ten copies of that, so get there early if you want one!). I’ll also have some Star Wars stuff. See you there!

1555 So. Novato Blvd.
Novato, CA 94947
1:00PM – 4:00PM

Comic Book Resources posted a Batwoman #0 Preview with several pages of art and an interview that Jim, Amy, and I did earlier this week.  You’ll see from the preview pages that Jim and Amy did an amazing job collaborating on this issue. As a writer, it was a very cool process to participate in. Jim and I started writing the outline for the Zero Issue several months after we submitted our outlines for both Arc 1 and Arc 2 and a series overview that covers a little over two years of issues. We then completed the script about four weeks after the script for Issue #1, and while we were working on the script for Issue #6, the first issue in Amy’s arc. Although this meant shifting gears a lot, it actually worked out really well because we had a good idea of where the series is headed and could start dropping some clues about future storylines. From an art standpoint, the basic concept was for Jim and Amy to share art chores – but in a rather challenging fashion. Rather than just have Jim do one set of pages and Amy another, we proposed that they would actually both do panels across two-page spreads. As a result, the script for the Zero Issue is fairly detailed, escpecially in terms of the ways in which the action in one set of panels mirrors action in the next.

Batwoman #0 is out today, and the series starts up in February with Issue #1, the first in the “Hydrology” arc.