
Crossing the Dark Divide

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Darth Vader Enters the Ghost Nebula Tomorrow

The first issue of the five-issue Darth Vader & The Lost Command comes out tomorrow. You can find out a bit more about the series in a blog post I did for Dark Horse where I talk about my vision of Vader and address the whole issue of whether or not Vader should be able to “fail,” and in an interview over at Newsarama that gives some details on the story and what it’s been liking writing it while founding Fearless Studios. The comic should be available at Blue Moon Comics and other fine comic shops, or you can order it from Things from Another World. Hope anyone who picks up the first issue enjoys it!

For those of you interested in Batwoman news, check out Jim’s blog, where he addresses the “delay” in the release of the first issue.


  1. Mr Blackman,

    I have two questions, one related to TFU2 and the other to the subject of ‘Darth Vader and the Lost Command.’

    I’m just curious, but is the Dark Apprentice part of Star Wars canon? The reason that I ask is because a lot of fans seem unsure. Those who believe the answer is “no” say that it is because the dark clone was never seen in the light-side ending. Those who believe the answer is “yes” look to things like the Distant Thunder scenes, the Dark Apprentice’s databank profile (including entry logs referring to him on the Aberrant Clones’ databank profile), and his appearance in the novel (through Starkiller’s vision of a possible future/dark-side ending). I’m not sure if his canonical status was meant to come into question like Starkiller’s identity so I hope you can answer this question, but if not I understand too.

    As for my other question, I was just wondering what Darth Vader will be like as a character. One of the things I liked most about the TFU series was how we got a closer look at Vader (what’s going on in his mind, how much different he’s become since his days as Anakin Skywalker, etc). So what kind of person will he be like? I think ‘Lost Command’ takes place shortly after Episode III so in what ways will he be different or similar to the person he goes on to become by TFU and the original trilogy?


  2. Okay, just want to start by saying that this is just my opinion, and ultimately it’s up to folks at Lucasfilm to determine this kind of stuff. But, in my mind, the canonical ending for TFU2 is the “light side” ending. That doesn’t mean there’s not a “Dark Apprentice” out there somewhere, though. And, if LucasArts never does a TFU3, the “dark side” ending works as an ending as well.

    You should read “Lost Command” for the full answer to your second question. 🙂 But the short answer is that when “Lost Command” starts, Vader is still haunted by his past, trying to prove himself to the Emperor, and trying to secure his place within the Empire.

  3. I was also under the impression that the “light side” ending was the canonical outcome of the story, partly because that is the ending that the novel followed. But as you said, it is up to the people at Lucasfilm so I hope there is a TFU3 because I believe that the story deserves to go on, or at least get some closure. Anyway, I never really considered that the dark clone was non-canon, but like everyone else it seems, I can’t be absolutely sure without a sequel to TFU2.

    I’ll definitely read “Lost Command” and whatever happens in it, I have no doubt that it will do a great job in showing how Vader develops as a character. Thank you for your response.


  4. Hey Mr. Blackman, did you see the image I found of the inside of a blaster? It’s pretty cool.


  5. Thanks for sending this along!

  6. Yeah, I found it in Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide. Now my question is, does the inside of every blaster look like that, even laser and turbolaser cannons?

  7. I’m sure there are variations, based on manufacturer, when it was constructed, size, etc.

  8. I’m seeing several contradictory descriptions. We have the Visual Dictionary, which says blasters convert high energy gas into plasma and releases it from a magnetic bottle. We have the Incredible Cross Sections, which says blasters fire an invisible energy beam that decays into visible light. And we have the Essential Guide to Weapons, which says blasters fire a high energy particle beam.

    The problem is that all these sources are Official, so which is the right one? Are you supposed to just close your eyes and pick whichever one your finger falls on? lol

  9. Why don’t they just call the actuator a magnetic bottle? I mean, that makes far more sense, it compresses the ionized gas into a coherent bolt, so it should be called a magnetic bottle.

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